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kawagoe トリム
2014-05-17 17.34.14
2014-05-17 17.34.18

The 46th National Conference, the third time for the NC in Otaru, ended with an impression of generational change. Otaru's historic urban conservaton has made a new start for the next 20 years


From October 13th to 15th, 2023, in Otaru on a clear autumn day, the sky was blue everywhere, the sea was sparkling, and the historic buildings were shining. Approximately 400 people, including 24 from Taiwan, participated in the 46th National Conference in Otaru, with the theme of "Thinking from the 100-year history of the Otaru Canal: Bringing the charm of our hometown to the future." A serious, yet calm, debate ensued over the issues.

       The first conference in 1980 aimed to support the canal preservation movement. The second conference in 2001, after half of the canal had been reclaimed and maintained, discussed subsequent tourism, high-rise apartment development, and the role of citizen movements and government. This time, the third time, the basic theme was how to create a system to ensure that the achievements of the past are passed on into the future.

       On the first day, Professor Saburo Horikawa of Hosei University's Department of Sociology gave a report on Otaru, pointing out that Otaru's current stage is the "beginning of the end," and the participants were encouraged to think about how to reverse this "beginning of the end."On the other hand, there is great hope in the fact that young activists are beginning to take the initiative to utilize the HOKKAICAN CO Third Warehouse, which has been donated to the city for preservation.

       On the third day, the "Mayor's Summit: Historic Conservation and Community Development" was held at Assembly Hall in Otaru City. As Uchiko Mayor ONOUE Masahisa, Hakodate Mayor Jun Oizumi, and Otaru Mayor Toshiya Sako spoke with pride about their respective historic conservation efforts, I realized that 40 years have passed since the citizens and government faced off over canal preservation.

       In the corner for reports from various places, Magobe Hattori of Nagoya Arimatsu, who turned 94 this year, took the stage and reminded us of the words of Fumi MINEYAMA, leader of the canal preservation movement: "Let's cherish our hometown, which is nearby" "Though stakes may be driven in the canals, no stakes will be driven in our hearts"



       The next 47th conference will be held in Tokyo from October 26th to 27th, 2024. 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the formation of our association. We would like to have an intensive discussion with all the participants about the next development of historical urban conservation. The venue is Chiba University Sumida Campus. The Mukojima EXPO will be held in the area, and we hope you will enjoy the historical environment of Tokyo, including Yanesen.


Also visit our Facebook page. We update news from time to time.​Facebook is news page You can also see it.

  • 全国町並み保存連盟
B2 第27回町並み散歩_20240416_1.jpg
*Click the bar above for events before 2022

The National Conference in OTARU

2023.10.13 Fri〜15 Sun
​Otaru Civic Center Marine Hall and others  Website 

Kanazawa Machiya Tour 2023 in Higashiyama

2023.7.28 Fri〜30 Sun,10:00-17:00

Base Machiya: Donguri Club (2-4-5 Higashiyama)  Website 


Landscape and urban development around Bandai Bridge

2023.6.24 Sat 13:30〜

Niigata City Museum of History "Minatopia" Seminar Room  FLYER 

The 6th installment of the series "Thinking about the Urban Landscape around Bandai Bridge." face to face this time

You can watch on   youtube    through the end of July


2023 Annual General Meeting and Board of Directors

2023.6.4 Sun 10:00〜
Kyutei-keikoba (Kyojima, Tokyo)   Facebook  Article 


Otaru Preparatory Symposium "Thinking about Future of Historic Conservation"

2023.6.3 Sat
Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties Basement Seminar Room  program  Record 
​It will be held on the day before the 2023 general and board meeting. We will work out a strategy for Otaru and Yanaka, aiming for a national conservation district. Apply on  Facebook  

Niigata Beautiful Machinami Forum 2023

Held at the same time: The 17th Machinami Network in Niigata in Ogimachi

May 28, 2023 (Sun)

Ayusu Hall (Ogimachi, Sado City)  FLYER  keynoteSlide





蓮馨寺境内  FLYER 





今井町小学校体育館  FLYER 



 『 先進地に学ぼう!「伝建制度」って実際どうなの!? 』
多度津町地域交流センター  FLYER 
サン・シープラザ(三原市)  FLYER 
午後の部に八女・北島力さんの講演「歴史的空間での持続するまちづくり 〜八女福島の空き家再生の現場から〜」
​池坊短期大学「こころホール」  Website   FLYER      Report 
静岡市歴史博物館  FLYER 
砂丘館(新潟市)  FLYER 

★Can you find 15 historic towns ?

"Machinami Mandala" drawn by the late Keiji Yoshida for the poster of the 5th Tokyo Seminar (1982). The 15 townscapes of the members at that time are drawn. The answer is townscape tile version zero


KAWARABAN is a quarterly bulletin. Distributed to group and individual members. It will be posted on the homepage with a delay


★ 2019 Activity Report

​This is a special special issue of KAWARABAN published on February 1, 2020, which collects reports on the activities of group members for the past year that were distributed at the venue on the second day of the 43th National Conference.

202001町並み瓦版ゼミ増刊号 1.jpg

★Declarations at the National Conferences

All declarations from the 1st National Conference

Text version (1978-2022)

​Poster/photo version (1978-2018)

Charter for the Conservation of Historic Towns and Settlements of Japan,

The 'Machinami Charter’

​Revised 2020, Introduced in Francesco Bandarin, van Oers, Ron: The Historic Urban Landscape



Charters by local communities

in preparation


★International Charters

​Washington Charter 1987

Vienna Memorandum 2005*

The Valletta Principles 2010

Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape 2011*

*Parallel translation

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